On Thursday, January 24, there was an interesting event which was held by the Student Council in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. This event is an Edu Passion 2019 : Agranasta. This event attended by various stands consist of both private and state universities, also other stands such as RBL, Adiwiyata, and others.
We can visit the stand of the booth freely to look around or ask to get important information that we want to know. I visited some universities and asked the lectures we were interested in, and most of the people who guarded the university stand were alumni from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung.
One of the stands that I visited was the Bandung Institute of Technology. I was doing some interview with them.
The following information I got:
1) The most popular subject matter from year to year is the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, but if it is based on value, it is the School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering.
Then, because of the the alumni were students from the School of Business and Management, I asked some questions about SBM.
2) So schooling in SBM takes 3 years, and learning is more about doing projects. Students must develop their business, and if management is about the company. Besides that, I also asked about non-academic activities at ITB. In higher education, extracurricular activities are referred to as "UKM" and ITB has many units, ranging from religion, culture, sports, art, and research.
Another interesting stand is Adiwiyata. Adiwiyata is a school program to fulfill government programs carried out to maintain the school environment. Adiwiyata is divided into several divisions, namely Sanitation, Hydroponics, Biopori, Waste Bank, etc. So from each class, there must be 2 people as adiwiyata representatives. As for the achievements that have been achieved, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung won Adiwiyata Mandiri last year, the photo trophy I listed above.
In my opinion, this Edu Passion activity is very useful for high school students who want to know more about some universities or departments they are interested in by conducting interviews with their students directly.